
24yrs | swedish | artist

Welcome to my carrd! here you'll find my portfolio (wip) and commission info (also wip)! you can find me on other places by clicking on the icons in the upper left corner!it's all still very much a work in progress!!! please don't mind the mess ;;

Commission info (wip)

commission status

as of right now, my commission status, along with pricing and examples, will be available through and announced on my Twitter! thank you for your interest and support! <3

terms & copyright

(NONE of my art, commission or not, may be used for: NFTs; AI-generation; redistribution and/or resharing; editing or selling, without my explicit written permission.)- Payment is through my Ko-Fi.- I will only accept monetary payment. I will not do commissions through an art trade or for "exposure", or similar.- I have the right to refuse any and all commissions that I deem necessary, no matter how far into the process the commission is. I have no obligation to state a reason why, but I will inform you of the cancellation should it happen. Should a cancellation occur from my end after payment is already made, a refund is possible.- You have the right to cancel your commission BEFORE I start working on it, whether you have already paid or not. Should you have paid for it and cancel before I start my work, a refund is possible.- You have the right to cancel your commission AFTER I start working on it. If, at that stage, it's already been paid for, then a refund will in that case NOT be possible.- The commission is for personal use ONLY. You are NOT allowed to sell it, heavily edit it, use it for NFTs or for AI-generation purposes, or let other people use it unless agreed upon otherwise. You ARE allowed to use and share it on your personal channels and social media accounts and LIGHTLY edit it (eg. cropping it to fit as a profile picture/header). When sharing the piece publicly, please make sure the signature and/or watermark (if there is one) is visible.- You are NOT allowed to share or use any of the W.I.P's sent to you, unless stated otherwise.- I reserve the right to use your commission piece for personal and commercial use, and adding it to my portfolio. I will NOT sell it, heavily edit it or use it for NFTs or AI.

portfolio (wip)

